Also known as bunionette, a tailor’s bunion is when a bony lump forms on the outside of the little toe in the foot. This condition could occur on the little toe of any of the feet, and sometimes, even both the toes suffer. Tailor’s toe is a painful condition, and it is characterized by redness and swelling. This condition is quite different from other bunion forms as they are generally seen below the big toe on the inside of the foot. Plus, tailor’s bunion is also not as common as other forms of bunions. Sometimes, the treatment may also require orthopedic implants.
From Where does the Condition Get its Name?
Centuries ago, tailors used to sit cross-legged for the whole day and their little toe kept rubbing against the ground. This caused bunion on their small toe and the condition later named tailor’s bunion.
Symptoms of Tailor’s Bunion
Tailor’s bunion is a painful condition and hence, intense pain is the most common symptom seen. It becomes worse when the bump rubs against the shoes. Besides this, redness and swelling also occur. At the start, one might find the lump small, but it enlarges with time. This condition makes it difficult for the person to wear shoes. Hence, it is important to get the condition fixed in the early stages to avoid making the condition worse.
What Are the Causes of Tailor’s Bunion?
Wearing poorly fitted shoes for a long time is the major reason why a tailor’s bunion occurs. Plus, those who wear high heels are also prone to developing the condition. People who have inherited foot problems passed on by their parents can also get tailor’s bunion. Besides this, people with the foot leaning outwards are also at the risk. Loose ligaments in the foot are another common cause of this condition. In some people, the fifth metatarsal bone is lower than normal, and this could also cause bunion in the little toe.
Diagnosis of Tailor’s Bunion
A podiatrist is one who deals with disorders occurring in the ankle, foot, and related leg structures. Thus, he/she is the best to look after this condition. It can be diagnosed by having a look at the bony lump on the little toe, and an x-ray examination can show the problem occurring in the little toe. Based on the diagnosis, the podiatrist will decide how to treat the condition.
Treatment of Tailor’s Bunion
Doing some simple things can help relieve the symptoms of a bunion but they may not be helpful in reducing the bump. The remedies that may be helpful include:
Use of silicone bunion pad to curb pain and prevent rubbing of lump against shoes
Prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory to reduce pain and swelling
Application of ice on the bump for about 5-10 minutes. This must be done at least 3 times a day
Wear comfortable shoes with a wide toe box. Avoid wearing heels
Corticoid injections might also be given to bring down swelling
When all these above-mentioned treatment methods fail to provide relief, the surgeon will recommend surgery. The surgical process performed is known as osteotomy. It is done after giving anesthesia and involves the removal of problematic tissue. The surgeon might also cut off a part from the bone of the little toe to bring it back into the right alignment. For this, the surgeon will apply orthopedic devices like metal plates and screws.
After surgery, it is important for the person to keep the weight off the little toe or sometimes. To walk around, one can use crutches or walkers.
Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a CE-certified and reliable manufacturer of international standard quality orthopedic devices in India. Having clients around the world, the company is also a trustworthy exporter of trauma implants in different countries. Siora is also a regular exhibitor at international medical expos, and the FIME Exhibition is one of them.